Firearms & shooting club
Formed in early 2016 for a group of keen experienced shooters, Pro Shoot Firearms and Shooting Club is a modern friendly, progressive club that seeks to promote the sport of long- and short-range target shooting and include handgun and mini-rifle, however we do not limit ourselves to these. We also encourage Black Powder, Gallery Rifle, Rimfire, HME and loads more.
We are a Home Office Approved Club and have membership and affiliations to several National Shooting Organisations such as the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the United Kingdom Practical Shooting Association (UKPSA).
We have around 200 members from a wide variety of backgrounds and professions, and this continues to grow. Our ranges are run by our own fully qualified Range Officers and Instructors. We also run a selection of courses that we hope you will find attractive to your needs.
See training courses for more information on the courses we run.
Prospective members are invited to come along to one of our club shoot days and have a go under the strict supervision of our fully qualified Range Officers. If you decide that you would like to become a member, you would be expected to complete a membership form and if accepted as a member you then have to complete a three month probationary period, during which time we would expect to see you a minimum of ten visits.
New members that do not hold a Firearms Licence (FAC) you will be expected to complete a Probationary Course.