March 29th & 30th - Probationary Course
This is a two-day classroom-based course with continuous on-site training and assessment over your three-month 6-12-visit probationary period. (FAC Holders 2 days only and move to full membership on completion)
Training is not specific to any shooting discipline but is limited to shooting at ranges up to and including 200m.
This is not an attendance only course. You must pass to become a full member.
All courses are delivered by fully qualified Pro Shoot Instructors.
During the course we will cover:
- Firearms Safety
- Range Safety
- Familiarity with Different Firearms
- Safe Shooting Practices
- Marksmanship
You can expect to gain and build skills such as:
- Misfire Drills
- Muzzle discipline.
- Stability while shooting
- Zeroing and Sighting
- Range Etiquette
And much, much more!
Non Pro Shoot Club members welcome
Please Contact for More Information
- Phone: Brian: 07968 529747